Taste, liking, wish and desire vary from person to person;
As one man’s food is anther man’s poison, what can be done..?
Just like doing things for the sake of doing duty, love can’t
Be practised without real desire and interest towards others;
In lieu of love, with patience and tolerance, we have to deal
With persons of various natures we have to move with in life!
Scolding with disrespectful words and beating one not seeing
Others also as human beings like them are quite beyond one’s
Tolerance and if such things go beyond tolerance limit also
As in the case of extremists and terrorists, what can be done?
Those who don’t know respect, decency and shame, are surely can
Be called only as inhuman beings or simply machine-beast-persons!
Such persons take advantage of tolerant behaviour as weakness
Incapable of realizing that it’s a high level of human sense!
Best thing to do with such persons is to simply ignore them ever
And go ahead minding one’s works for the sake of humanity and for
Maintaining peace for promotion of good sense and love with others
Kindling longing for love in the ruthless hearts of such persons!

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