Love is a fanclub with only two fans
Love is walking holding paintstained hands
Love is.
Love is fish and chips on winter nights
Love is blankets full of strange delights
Love is when you don’t put out the light
Love is
Love is the presents in Christmas shops
Love is when you’re feeling Top of the Pops
Love is what happens when the music stops
Love is
Love is white panties lying all forlorn
Love is pink nightdresses still slightly warm
Love is when you have to leave at dawn
Love is
Love is you and love is me
Love is prison and love is free
Love’s what’s there when you are away from me
Love is…

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when you get home every night.
Love is
The caring that comes
with every day and every year.
Love is
The never letting go
even when times are tough.
Love is
The opposite to hate
and lasts a lot longer.
Love is
The passion
in which we live our lives.
Love is
The growing old
together as one.

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Loved one!

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A piece of Heaven inside of me,
It’s all I lived for,
It’s all there is,
It’s what we’re born for,
Why we exist!

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The best of ourselves
To another,
Not rationing
Unselfishly and completely,
No bother.
Love is,
A light that inwardly
Shines so bright
And vividly,
That we cannot say
We have lived at all
If we have not found
Our kindred Soul.

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