Love of one on another one begins attracted by good nature,
Sense of humour, behaviour, beautiful stature and quick response!
To convey one’s love to another one is possible by cooperation,
Coordination, suitable reciprocation, exchange of greetings,
Ideas on various matters coinciding with each other in all ways
And maintaining good relationship at any context and circumstance!
This individual process supported by friends on both sides leads
To expose of hearts and meeting in person on some suitable place
Exclusively meant for the two to have open heart to heart talks
Breaking the ice for frequent meeting and talks closer day by day!
This natural way of love making is real compared to artificial
Gestures of romantic actions will not fetch required favourable
Clearance for having chat or any response naturally acceptable
But only leading to a farcical end like in a foolish dream sure!
Human relationship grows from strength to strength by natural
Love of heart quite unique in human life that has no procedure
To follow and no example to practice as it develops on feeling
Of heart on both sides fructifying into two bodies with one soul!

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