Poetry is not a game to play or become poet writing poetry;
Poetry should come direct from heart in flowing words ever!
Practice makes one perfect, if it is any other kind of work ever;
But it is not so ever with poetry as poetry is nature’s gift to one;
Even the best of poets don’t know what they would write before
Putting Pen over paper to create poetry with an inspired mood unique!
All poems are the creations of a soul out of inspiration from nowhere;
It is Nature activating the urge of a person to write direct from heart
To touch the hearts of many inspiring to express what they have ever
In heart with words flowing as smooth river from the start to the end!
All poems once written the poet forgets and dreams fresh ideas to say;
All poems one has written can’t be remembered by one self at anytime;
But same ideas may be unconsciously written by the poet in different way
Each time with words fresh directly being born from the heart forever sure!

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