Ores beneath the Earth only a skilful expert can produce in the valuable form;
Such a feat is possible only in poetry of all the forms of literature by skilful poet!
Castle in the air is captured only by such a poet in his unique poetic camera
To produce excellent pictures rare to be found in the world of arts ever new;
Ancient civilization under the ocean or just a sea of water depends upon
The eyes of the viewer just as beauty lies in the eye of the beholder ever!
Poetry is the best medium that beautifully and briefly expresses matters
That is impossible to do so in any other form of literature introduced by
Expert poets like S T Coleridge or modern poets like Matthew Arnold
Who have combined romanticism, philosophy, ideologies and criticism in one!
Poetry is not just rhythmic lines ending in rhymes only or horizontal or vertical ones,
But all kinds of subjects besides descriptive Nature or flowery words of
Love Poetry in novel style with words that produce all of music and sound
With matter and reason that are otherwise not possible in forms of literature!

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