And always before bloodshed the prayers to you are said
Before the victims families bury and mourn their dead.
Oh you the God Almighty in your Heaven in the sky
At the slaughter of the innocents why do you stand idly by
For in war and acts of terrorism ’tis the innocents who die
Why do you allow this to happen I really wonder why?
The innocents of Beslan murdered by some of those who worship you
And to a higher moral principle they thought that they were true
How come you did not stop them of causing so much grief
To the parents of those children whose lives were far too brief?
People in their thousands dying of hunger every day
And you always ignore them though for help to you they pray
Or maybe you will welcome them in your World in the sky
For me a man of anti prayer what hope for such as I?
The gap between the rich and poor it seems to grow more wide
And many due to financial stress end their lives in suicide
To you for assistance they prayed but their prayers you did not heed
Or does a life of Earthly Hell up to your Heaven lead?
Oh you the God Almighty so many to you pray
for your assistance in their troubles but from them you turn away
And millions of your worshippers live in abject poverty
For I a non believer what hope is there for me?

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