For communication with others and reading
Books due to script variations, remembering
And writing difficulties whether old or new!
Single script for all languages is the dream of all;
But it is not an easy joke to implement in use ever!
Also, due to such difficulties and impossibility, it is
The great wish of many to have single language for
Communication all over the world since a longtime!
Now the world has shrunk to a very small size due to
The coming of Computer and smart phones in use….!
Only Computer languages will survive in the future
And that seems to be confined to a very meagre number
Leaving other languages to the stage of extinction soon!
For the survival of any language, the alphabetical letters
Should be less, easy to remember, learn and write by all!
Only if it is so, any language can be quickly learnt for
All immediate use to read and write for communication
And sharing of new ideas in the competitive modern world!

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