Travel agents tell me there is.
They even suggest that I’ll be someone different
while I’m there…
but suppose I was? Would I
remember to come back?
Or stay there, be someone else..
until I’m sure, I stay here
and practise just being here.
It sounds simpler that way.
Then when I’m expert in being here,
and go somewhere,
I’ll still be ‘here’ there..
Really? You think that sounds dull?
But I’m happy to be me, here…
Maybe I’ll be happy being ‘here’ there, too..
And when I’m expert at being here,
then I might try being now..
no past to worry about,
no future to worry about;
It sounds simpler that way.
I’ll let you know.
[to Rumi and to Ronberge: poets of the light heart,
the light touch.]

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