The beloved son of Matt and Mrs Cleary
But he died in his prime and tragically.
With my brother Denis, John Carroll and Michael Cleary
When I was younger twenty years or so
I picked potatoes in Wales in St Davids
In June well over thirty years ago.
Michael Cleary was a good potato picker
He and John Carroll amongst the top few
Pickers in St Davids by the ocean
They were the best in farmer Walters crew.
To Michael Cleary the grim reaper came early
He did not live on to be old and gray
His grieving parents came with flowers and roses
And often by his grave stone knelt to pray.
If there’s a heaven Michael Cleary is there
For he was one who would not harm a fly
Perhaps it’s true that the good are taken early
He did not have a long life to enjoy.
I have good memories of Michael Cleary
He was a nice bloke if a little shy
Three decades ago in Wales I worked with him
And on looking back the years just seem to fly.

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