What I thought you would be,
Disappointed, I am,
You did what you could,
Trying to make yourself better understood,
But the Sea, Poetry, is never the World,
And the World can never be a place of pleasantry,
How many centuries ago have we worked for a change,
For more understanding, a kinder exchange,
How many centuries ago did Murder begin?
In the name of religion or by Royal Sin?
We’ve gone to the Moon, nobody there,
Because the real Loons are back here on the ‘Terre’,
Never changing, because they really don’t care,
Wars and killings survive, in a World in despair.
Tomorrow the scene will be more of the same,
I’ll steal from you, kill you, and make mud your name.
And make sure the innocent, get All the blame!
Injustice not Justice, the Name of the game.

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