Sun bleached grass on sunburnt ground far as the eye can see
Stretching onward it would seem to eternity.
Must have seen a million sheep or so ‘twould seem today
In the flat gray countryside bordering the highway
Haven’t seen a horse or cow or donkey wonder why
Could it be for hairy creatures these lands far too dry
I feel dwarfed by this great land I feel dwarfed and small
Like an ant on sunburnt ground midst the grasses tall
Men have gone lost in this land disappeared from sight
Disappeared like little ant midst the grasses white.
If you venture from your car make sure that you stay
Within eyesight of the road of the motor way
This no country for fool hardy out there miles of ground
Men have gone lost in the bush and never more been found.
Stopped our car to stretch our legs out there in the bush
Only sound of buzzing flies in the silent hush
Miles and miles of sunburnt grass not one patch of green
Sheep and nothing else but sheep and no man to be seen.
From Dimboola to St Arnaud one hundred miles or more
I have seen more sheep today than I’ve ever seen before
And I feel dwarfed by this great land I feel dwarfed and small
Like an ant on sunburnt ground midst the grasses tall.

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