Vaguely one or two drops fell down from the sky;
Ignoring it I started walking brisk towards the beach.
The rain began to fall slightly and all were hurrying;
I decided to take shelter if it rained heavy on the way;
Then I was walking on the beach pavement feeling
It would be better to halt at the sun shade of Le Café!
The rain did not intensify and I was briskly walking
Till it became strong and I took shelter near a Press.
Twenty minutes I had walked and the rain fell slowly
For twenty minutes nearly cooling the place very well!
All the rush got cleared within that time and silence
Prevailed everywhere except the noise of motor boats
Crisscrossing the shore water before my view there!
Again I started my brisk walk to cover 30 minutes
And had a halt before a fancy article shop for rest.
Nobody was in the beach then and everything looked
Calm and beautiful in that cool hour of night there.
Rain stopped completely keeping all cool and clear;
Faith regained made my worries fly away as passing
Clouds with no effect of punch as usual sans any problem!

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