By declaring war on terror they boost their re-election chances and the fear of terror nowadays is widespread,
They justify their bombings of foreign cities where the survivors mourn for their dead
I don’t believe all I read in newspapers I’m not as gullible as I appear
And a lot of what is said is lies or half truths and propaganda mostly what we hear
To tell the truth not seen as advantageous they hide behind a cover of deceit
The World’s most powerful people are dishonest to them to lie ‘twould seem is not to cheat.
Most people believe what their Government tell them suppose we believe what we only wish to believe
But they forget that to cling to power their leaders will lie to them and them they will deceive
They warn of terror and spread propaganda and to lie to them seems to come easily
And I don’t believe all I read in newspapers they may fool many but they don’t fool me.
Yes propaganda to them a great weapon and their propaganda it works every time
They declare war on terror and the so called axis of evil and their war on terror not seen as a crime
By declaring war on terror they themselves spread terror and their war pilots dropp bombs in the dead of night
And they who too have killed many civilians don’t tell us that two wrongs don’t make a right.

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