Just for a while leaving a deep impression….!
If that happens to be in a city bus, surely they
Two have great opportunity to see and know
At closer range about each other sans fail…..!
It’s a rare chance they happen to be sitting or
Standing closer very often on the city bus sure
Leading to familiarization of each other well!
Thereafter they start moving with smile as they
Happen to be travelling in the same bus to their
Destinations for their works everyday sure……!
Everyday just when they are in the same bus, they
see and smile each other and forget engrossed in
Their works and the days pass so unnoticed……!
On a holiday when he is on a purchase spree, he
Sees her standing near a restaurant waiting for
Someone and they exchange smile with each other!
That gives a golden opportunity to talk for the first
Time in life blooming into love between them to
Have a longtime affair in romance leading to union!

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