The voice is choked as eyes refuse to believe
I just stay in silence for pain to relieve
I feel part of some heavenly body
This place has not been put by anybody
It is heavenly and appeals all to become noble
Serve the poor, pray the almighty and never crumble
Here is place where life was sacrificed
For sacred principles and upholding values as promised
Holiest of holy land from where prophet preached
Spread the message with utmost faith and searched
With first sight it generates divine feeling
Person may offer everything as willing
From a distance I have developed an emotional link
Something runs in veins when I pray and think
It is my first routine in the morning
Pray with joint hands and ask for condoning
For all mistakes and evil work done in day time
With open heart and clear mind to forgive as no crime
I am unable to hold more when face is covered with tears
It speaks of something which is difficult to bear
How could people be that disrespectful to the holy soul?
When disciples voluntarily gave up life for noble call
I could realize now why are we called mean animals?
Why we end up in tragedies with quick dismissals?
Why we face all consequences of bad nature
Yet don’t forget to inflict injury for others
I only know about the great sacrifice
The holy stand taken and laying down of life for promises
It makes me to cry and wish in all my humbleness
Oh God, grant me such strength and shine on face
It gives me enough of feeling from inner space to do worthwhile
To extend sincere wishes to all Muslim brethrens to think for while
The ideals and principles for which the traditional values are held
Be united in resolve and strength else the fate is going to be sealed

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