But when you announced your arrival first
At an unexpected time and age-
Was it with joy or fear, still not so sure
That I first felt the faint stirrings of life
Sure, when you barged in more like a late night guest
You gifted us with a mixed pack
After eight months of anxious wait
When you showed up, a little earlier than due
With a clear shriek and a piercing cry
All our fears vanished, all anxiety fled
Like a cute little kitten with eyes shut
You slept peacefully day and night
Refusing to suck your mother’s breast
That again put your mom in severe stress
You never threw any tantrums wild
As all other babies usually do
Pleasantly gentle with a chuckling smile
You were a spring flower, come alive
You readily accepted the cast away stuff;
Broken toys and milk stained bib,
Faded clothes and the little crib,
Used recklessly by your naughty brother
You never gave us any stress or pain
Even in days of adolescent strain
You were ever gentle and ready to mingle
With eyes lit up with a delectable twinkle
You are endowed with a loving heart
When we are glum, you are by our side
Your compassion, care and abiding love
Are truly gifts, God has blessed you with
You know every nook and corner of the house
Where each little thing placed and kept
If something is amiss inside the house
You run with a click and get it in fluke
As you left for studies, miles away
The house looked empty like an abandoned nest
With no more songs in early dawn
Until once you return to give it a tilt
Time will fly and you’ll be grown
An adult, ready to soar into the world
But you are the reason that keeps us young
And give our tired legs an unusual spring
You lit our yesterdays, with hopes for tomorrow
And even after your hairline recedes
Even after you become man and Dad
You remain once and ever our *‘Vava’ dear!

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