How sweet it is that I am with you
Be it Islam, Christianity, Hinduism or Buddhism
No heck to distinguish any one from the others
They are the same weed of the same soil
Eating up the crop of humanity
But what about nationalism and its product the nationalists
They are not less criminals when they go to kill millions
In the name of nations or in the name of races
Think of the world wars first and second
And count in your fingers the deaths and devastation
They bought upon us, upon our humanity
I am here to declare a Jihad against those who are to say
Peace is not profitable but war is
And national interest is above anything else
Rather than the interest of human being
I am also against those hypocrites who say
Nuclear weapons are meant for peace
Nothing can be more bull shit than this
Do you agree with me?
Shall we meet in a corner of lighted street?
Or are you from the same group of garbage nationalist?
Any difference of opinion from you is the answer
And yet I will not hate you
Kindly from me take the unbreakable promise.

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