When you do good
You are persecuted,
When you do evil
You are followed.
That is how it is
In this divided
The only true Democracy
Waiting to be destroyed,
For it is a pity that Evil
And the Party of Evil,
Are doing so much harm
And have so many destructive
Lies to say,
Care nothing about,
The Country, nor its people
Their Corruption and Crime
Are certainly escalating
A treasonous mountain,
In a most disgusting,
Tragic and criminal way.

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You can only count
On you,
We’re born alone,
We are alone,
No matter who,
You are
Nor what you do,
No one, cares
About you,
So take good care
No matter
Who you are,
Or where
You’re all alone,
And no one really
So Please,
And above all
Don’t fall,
When walking
Down the stairs.

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