They do not ask is he or she a good person they do not see that as a success
You’ve got to have power and money or others you will not impress.
If you are a Monarch or President or if you are a big Movie Star
Or if you are a renowned Sporting Person they tell you how wonderful you are
But if you are a poor Homeless person and live rough and in poverty
They only say this one’s a loser the proof is there for all to see.
They never look at the whole person and say this one has a kind heart
They tell you that marginalized people in society do not play a part
They classify the poor as losers the Homeless and the Refugee
As people not worthy of mention they rob them of their humanity.
Our so called honorable society judges the winners and losers decide
In their eyes the poor are social outcasts the people who sadly lack in pride
They see the poor as non achievers they never look at circumstance
All poor people to them are losers and at success do not warrant the chance.
No matter what your social status the social judges you will pigeon hole
Our self appointed self conceited people those who do not have a good soul
They try to dehumanize the poor and the homeless and by them many dreams are destroyed
And the winners and the losers as they call them should not be for them to decide

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