You may be an atheist or theist,
We do not interfere in your freedom,
You always chose your own way,
Wrong or right, direction is of yours!
We do not force you to accept our God,
Because we know that he is already accepted
By you either in form of peace or love
Or in form of happiness that you search,
Theists move in right favorable way
To find God and his grace with devotion,
You atheists go in diverse direction
Following wrong and unrighteous way,
To find happiness in near or far place,
You get little happiness that vanishes soon,
Then you move to any higher channel
And you search happiness and get little,
But this too disappears very soon
And you become very violent and unpleasant,
Vices capture you and you get high stress.
God is ocean of peace, bliss and happiness,
Theists face towards him and travel in love,
Atheists diverse their faces and travel
In opposite direction to find the same,
When your face is diverse and away from God?
How can you find eternal love, peace and bliss?
Theists get these because they move towards God.
Both atheists and theists are children of God,
We love them all as our own universal brothers
Although atheists do not agree in existence of God,
Still they have accepted as they do not deny happiness,
Theists in cheerful mind agree and accept God,
You get happiness due to existence of ocean of happiness!
You have already accepted, we do not force you at all!
© Kumarmani Mahakul,17 December 2018. All rights reserved.