The truth behind
One must try to find
Who we are?
What for we are?
Why stars are far?
What on earth we are for!
Not much to break
Not so loud to speak
Feel great and not weak
Embrace the people and greet
Love is only message
Was yesterday, may remain tomorrow and for ages
I feel strange but agree
As we are human being and very free
I shall and forever
Forget not ever
Just be in me for time to come
Stand in wait and always welcome
I wish to cry
But may be futile try
She will not tolerate and feel shy
Why at all then I must attempt to fly?
Mari to carry my entire burden
But she did not promise it all of sudden
She has waited to respond
I stand still as am very fond
I fly in air only to come back
Find the truth so much at stake
What if she refuses to align?
I must take course and safely resign
I should not be selfish
Every one is going to perish
Let there be honor and trust
What is to be left behind is clear and must

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In desperation
About loved one
It is not even allowed
To forget, when followed
Till the end
And now face changed trend
Tray as hard as you can
But never that can happen
You may feel more dejection
To end the sweet relation
It has god’s approval
To commit in oral
That is taken as final
And accepted as call
There is no time to think
Withdraw steps and sink
That shall be unwanted step
Cruel rejection and slap

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