Or minimize the vigour of Fate, but none can escape from its target;
For, fate is clamped on everyone based on each one’s acts in last births!
Will of God is laws of Nature no one can escape or hoodwink it by science;
No one can stop or smoothen the surge of sea by storm wheel of cyclone
Or predict or stop the earthquake and tsunami triggered by it by any means;
The good and bad things of life are also happening due to the will of fate!
Even God as friend of man can change the direct hit of arrow on head
To the cap one wears, but not the object of destruction of fate ever sure;
For, for every action there is reaction directly opposite to it in direction;
Best thing is bow low to allow the arrow pass over you at the right time!
The mark of act left behind by a thief is found out by spy to catch one;
Likewise, the mistakes we do in life affect us as fate in the next birth sure!

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