Who fed them with opulence,
And distractions to keep them…
Defending their ignorance.
And when the demon laughed,
And left them with no defense…
They attempted to win back a confidence,
From those they ridiculed…
And publicly offended,
In a contrived innocence!
Hoping these defensive measures,
Would forgive their decadence!
Since they assumed,
That would happen based upon their religions.
In practices that attracted their doom!
They had no room in their hearts for peace.
Opportunities were passed,
To allow greed to increase.
Marked by the beast…
They had not worshipped God at all!
They were taught from pulpits,
Lessons drenched in evil.
And an emphasis on Lucifer’s wishes,
Danced upon them…
By fire and brimstone disciples!
To which they devoted to secure…
Rusting treasures kept and endured.
Although their gleam and sparkle fades.
And gone are reasons to parade…
In false charades!
They had sold their souls in worthless rituals!
And knowing that…
After losing the shirts off their backs,
Could not put them back on track.
Since the facts were rejected…
To keep themselves respected,
By reflecting an acceptance
Of those ‘things’ they hoarded!
In the hope one day…
They would shine in the limelight of fame!
With a status they could claim!
But the hour upon them brings such shame!
Now a quality of life has vanished!
Leaving them to wonder…
Who and what God ‘really’ is!
As they fight an insight to keep undetected,
A haunting flow of tears that come to flood!
And the trees and the birds,
Are heard singing their praises!
As the thunder roars…
While the Sun beams bright!
And the rain and clouds,
Are removed from faithful faces!
And in every way they could…
The children of God stood and rejoiced!

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