An open heart
In lost despair,
In solitude
No one to share
The limped dreams,
That Love does dare.
And so,
Love’s treasures gone,
A life so empty, long bygone
Made out of pity, long adieus,
When One is one,
Everything hurts.
An open heart
In lost despair,
In solitude
No one to share
The limped dreams,
That Love does dare.
And so,
Love’s treasures gone,
A life so empty, long bygone
Made out of pity, long adieus,
When One is one,
Everything hurts.
So easily, lost,So painful to resign,But always special,And one of a Kind.
But creating Hell on Earth,It is We that fan the Winds,That do so.
As a good and lovely poem,When you finish reading,Again you start breathing,With Hope,And are glad that some poet,Decided to write what he wrote.
Miracles!No explanationThey just, AREAnd if anythingSurvives,They will,Being Eternity’sStars.
The elated and mystified Crowds can read you,But never, never exceed you in your feelings,Because your words possess and are your feelings,Your words are your Life’s goal,Your words tell you, you are not alone,Your words, after all, are your Soul.
Gone are mostKings and Queens,Monarchy, symbolic powerThat got substituted,By elected LiarsAnd Tyrannical Cowards,That produce nothingAnd only want perpetualPower,As they bleed peoplesAnd countries fromTheir protected towers.