No one should notice the death
Until time comes to lay the wreath
The starts twinkle since centuries
No one take note of their injuries
Living in dark for countless years
They make little noise to be heard in our ears
Still they are seen with little on and off appearance
They are known already and nee no special reference
They might have cried ceaselessly not to be seen in dark
Still they are high in sky and always ready to embark
They have their position fully earmarked
No one has snatched it or ever staked
It is not easy to swim against odd current
One has to reach the shore and stay in present
Time and tide waits for none
This has been made always known
Whether you accept willingly or with reluctance
You must present it with new element’s inductance
Fortune favors the brave and luck sides with honest
One must believe in fate and try his best
God too may shower His blessing
Even if something goes totally missing
I do not remember how many nights have gone sleepless
I have remained under sky watching its vastness
I thank almighty for allowing me to witness greatness
One can attain anything in life with strong resolution and keenness

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