And amongst the dishonourable there are the honourable few
Still one bad apple can rot the barrel so happens to be true.
Is it because of their position or because they are well dressed
When I hear a politician called the honourable I cannot feel impressed
In the Chambers of the Parliament honour they don’t display
Few better at mud slinging in the World of today.
Not all jailbirds are bad people though in life they’ve lost their way
And some of them reform that would be fair to say
Yet there are far too many honoured by society
Who have trodden upon others as they’ve climbed the social tree.
The doctors and surgeons vast fortunes from injuries and illness make
But the undertakers stand to gain from their every mistake
And we’ve heard it many times before and we’ll hear it many times again
That far too many have to lose just for the few to gain.
So many have to do it hard just to live from day to day
And not all do get a fair go it would be fair to say
And for every millionaire there are thousands in poverty
And we’ll always have the war dogs to create the refugee.

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