A good government directing the people to
Go on green pasture for grazing and take
Home back safe like a responsible cowherd!
Only a tyrant hungry of power to enjoy
Luxurious comforts can indulge in taxing
People with exorbitant levies somehow to
Compensate the losses he has made in his
Service to people with no sense of human!
By mere gullible speeches and show of records
Cooked up by economic manipulators as aids
For his everlasting stay in power he hoodwinks
People in elections intelligently sans any
Progress made in full term of office easily!
This way only such opportunistic leader can
Run government following policy of dive and
Rule like British colonial power did or like
Hitler die or like reactionary communists do
Based on one’s own whimsicality failing in all!
People need change of governance to reduce
Their burdens economically and socially by
Giving time to new parties to be in power for
Sometime taking into consideration to pick up
The thread to stream line administration well!
But people cannot be fooled forever by sobs
And golden promises sans bringing about any
Change for the better towards achieving peace,
Prosperity and progress as people surely will
Kick them out, if they fail to do as expected!

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