Nothing will be remembered or forgotten
This is fact and is based on same pattern
There are so many unanswered questions
It should not find any mention
Who may visualize the far reaching effects of war?
This is puzzling question and has eluded us so far
We are ready to offer sincere pray
We may ask blessings to escape from prey
It is nice to surrender and follow
We have moral courage to withstand the blow
It is natural rule that may prevail
No matter how strong you stand against but like to fail
It is only His blessings that may come to the rescue
You will have everything which may fall due
I may have enough power to speak
Still the future will be gloom and very weak
You may be able to win and scale the peak
It has come naturally to you without playing any tricks
You may have temporary respite
You may still face setbacks despite
Your all out efforts and dedication
This may not prove as good indication
You must go for correct observation
The solution must have dong duration
It must be resolutely followed
No temporary gain or short term cuts be allowed
There is no use running after
If it is not of permanent nature
Anything can be easily win over by affection
There is no use of offering any reaction
As things stand today not in real context
No paper or print can help to come out with text
It is useless to prove things in totality
As we have seen its result with futility
We should be sure of our action
It has to coupled with our function
It may not give immediate result
You should try but not feel any guild
The life is like water bubble
The palace or hut can be reduced in rubble
Nothing is for sure or certain
We must calmly observe and maintain
We have become materialistic
Everything compared with statistics
We try to solve everything by good tactics
We are trying very hard and stay as optimistic
The result is bound to come
It can be loss or gain to some
There has to be worth and sensible try
One must reasonably go up and fly
It has to constant efforts
The challenge can be of any sort
The ship has to land at ports
This can be possible only with good support

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