Wildly beautiful to look at,
Ravishing hue!
Wild flower, I see you hanging
In the forest tracts,
Visitors come and pass by,
But know not
What it in your hue!
Had I known your beauty,
Had I hue and rioting colours,
I would have shown to them,
Would have kept on display,
But a poor judge stand I here
Without any knowledge of you!
What your name and entity,
What should I call you,
Freckled and multi-hued,
Bedecked and glowing,
I cannot paint you!
Wild flowers!
Hanging as pearly, pink-coloured wreaths of flowers
By the creepers,
Blooming in clusters as deep bluish and whitish blooms,
The tree in full bloom,
The small-small plants with indigo blue blooms,
The plants with yellow blossoms.
My God, give me the talent to acknowledge
Their beauty, worth and excellence
Which the wide world knows it not
And if this be Your rich treasure trove
One day it will destroy and vanish away out of sight.
What your name and entity,
What should I call you,
Freckled and multi-hued,
Bedecked and glowing,
I cannot paint you!
Wild flowers!
Hanging as pearly, pink-coloured wreaths of flowers
By the creepers,
Blooming in clusters as deep bluish and whitish blooms,
The tree in full bloom,
The small-small plants with indigo blue blooms,
The plants with yellow blossoms.
My God, give me the talent to acknowledge
Their beauty, worth and excellence
Which the wide world knows it not
And if this be Your rich treasure trove
One day it will destroy and vanish away out of sight.

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