For one in her mid thirties she has known more than her share
Of unhappiness and sadness in her moments of despair.
She has two teenage daughters and they too have beauty rare
And they look like Rozara with golden wavy hair
Their hardest days behind them or so ‘twould seem that way
And that they’ve suffered more than most have it would seem fair to say.
Her ex husband the father of her children Ed she now wishes to forget
She has bad memories of him and him she now wish she’d never met
He had a drinking problem even before she became his wife
And she tried to reform him her great mistake in life.
For nine years they were married nine years of misery
When drunk he was aggressive and she recalls how he
Beat her and her young daughters he often had them in tears
And the mental scars he left with them they will carry for years
For her and her two daughters it was a happy day
When he left her for another and from town moved away
They have not seen him for six years his leaving a relief
And their memories of him are all bad he only caused them grief.
For the beautiful Rozara once bitten is twice shy
And she now will remain single until the day she die
Her marriage a disaster and she now rues the choice she made
Her big mistake of her young years and for her mistake she paid.

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