I fancy i still see them in their Summer dresses in Summer evenings walking up and down
Along by the Park at the West End and on the streets of Millstreet Town
Some of the girls of my youth emigrated in their old Parish they did not stay
They went to live in Cork and Dublin and to Countries further away
Like the U.K. and Australia and New Zealand and Canada and the U.S of A
The girls of my youth getting older and perhaps i’d not recognize them today.
Some of the girls of my youth are grandmothers and their children are now past their prime
And nothing mankind has invented can turn back the hands of time
Yet in my memory they remain young and i fancy i can see them still
Walking in small groups in the evening in the Town by old Clara Hill.
The girls of my youth getting older and youth’s freshness they cannot regain
Yet time has stood still in my memory and young to me they still remain
I see them on bright Summer evenings and hear birds carolling on the sunlit trees
Walking by the Town Park in Millstreet their hair blowing in the warm breeze.

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