The sky get lit up with silver rays
we enjoy dark night with nothing to pay
What a lovely scene to be enjoyed by an eye
all narrow thoughts disappear but want to fly
there is now question of ‘ifs’, ‘buts’ and ‘why’
you twinkle all the times as if feeling very shy
Galaxy with starts function as family
widely spread but as an single entity
beautiful place created by an almighty
hang in balance in a place called very empty
No wind observed with little life on surface
still there is invasion on sanctity with mad race
what a beautiful reflection when struck by light
never seen such glow in deadly night
An open object with beautiful imagination
poets and writers raise many questions
how you look so beautiful yet with black patches
very far from land but eyes to catch
Who has read real reflections?
how can it be termed as dead action?
millions watch over with silent reaction
eyes do not close even for fraction
There may not be single life to be seen
yet beautifully depicted with lively scene
lots of praise and admiration from laymen
only lover’s heart can feel pulse in human
You have remained there for centuries
with so many questions and queries
you were never a source of worry
many hearts have wept by expressing sorry
Hand in hand to last forever
many doubts in mind however
yet very cool and pleasant feeling
submission to come very late but almost willing
O moon, o stars, you are close to chest
hearts beat fast when yo move to west
you remain there with never ending show
the sky should illuminate with fine glow
Not a single ray can cause harm
cool in nature yet creation of charm
pulses beat in isolation and feel very warm
birds may soon go up to reach and swarm
Where is fear of feeling lonely?
the nature has manged it solely
they hang in balance but does not loose the height
we crumble on ground with our own weight
We are beautifully gifted with insight
though there may be sweet memory to fight
it may make us sad when see the emergence of moon
all sadness to disappear immediately or very soon
Though mild object with limited role
it has ever fascinated and stole
our mind and heart at regular interval
it has been great moment to watch your arrival

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