And died nailed to a cross on Calvary
I hope you did not die for me.
For i’d rather you died old and gray
Than for me throw your life away
Since i’m not one of the humble who
Go to a church to pray to you.
Oh you who came back from the dead
And walked amongst the lowly bred
And for the human family suffered pain
Your agonies must seem in vain.
You lived amongst us mortal men
And preached on the evils of sin
But sin is still alive and well
And a crowded road is the road to hell.
Oh you who wore a crown of thorns
And knew the pain of others scorn
If you returned to life today
Men would treat you in the same way.
Oh you who died on Calvary
As a victim of man’s inhumanity
Your name lives on in history
But i hope you did not die for me.

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