His girlfriend Lyn is forty five years younger than him a beauty with shoulder length raven hair
Suppose money speaks all languages doesn’t life seem so unfair.
He turned seventy in September on his last birthday
And he wears a light brown hairpiece for to cover his gray
He divorced his third wife in her fifties for to be with young Miss Ann
For old Bill with heaps of money she dumped a young man.
Yes money is important despite what some might say
And you can buy most anything if for it you can pay
And most women save for a few will opt for one financially secure
Nobody wants to know you if you are old and poor.
He buys her expensive dresses and her he wine and dine
And she loves the attention and the good life suits her fine
she is younger than his grandson though with old Bill she will stay
For she will still be young and wealthy long after he has passed away.
With a beautiful partner forty five years younger old Bill is feeling great
She loves him for his money though he thinks she’s his soul mate
And genuine stories of undying love I would say rather few
Though money speaks all languages so happens to be true.

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