Death seems to be within reach already with my choice to
Decide the end of my life as my movements are arrested!
Cracks at the feet and pain here and there on my body
With a sort dizziness often knocks at my door of life!
My hope of attending poetry festivals in foreign country
Or in a nearby place also seems to be out of reach now!
Many are spending money in this kind of venture to see
That their names are announced for some certificate of
Recognition to make themselves satisfied and also pride
Being publicized as poets of some kind in the public…!
Praises for some should come naturally from unknown ones
To be really recognized as an able poet for all to accept!
That is the way talent of one has to be appreciated and
Recognized in public for the world to know and support it!
What is my status as far as my talent is concerned sure?
Are the website recognitions count in the world of doubts?
How are these discrepancies of one be rectified by what?
Will there be any scope for a physically crippled poet ever?
Such questions are lingering in my heart very often, though
My words flow in verses many everyday from morning to night!
Will my poetic words have any effect in this world full of
Doubts not so easily recognizes anyone for anything sure!

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