From the darkness of my bedroom his song pleasant to hear
In the stillness of early morning he sounds melodious and clear.
At the start of his breeding Season he has borders to defend
And to the males of his own kind in song a strong message he send
The one who fly into his territory and venture near his wife
Is risking serious injury and endangering his life.
The urge of Nature is quite strong around this time of year
The wild birds know the Seasons and they know that Spring is near
The male bird becomes territorial and his paternal instincts
grow strong
And the others learn of his aggressive Nature it comes to them in his song.
Yet the most territorial of behaviour in Nature’s wild garden you won’t find
And for such one need not look any further than our own human kind
We are protective of our borders and our own personal space
And those who lose their wives to others lose more in their loss of face.
From the darkness of my bedroom the magpie’s song I hear
He is quite an early riser at this time of the year
He is proclaiming his borders as the days of Spring draw near
And what to us seems a thing of beauty in his own kind instil fear.

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