by life’s cares
Bronzed from the sun and the warm coastal breeze their likes one doesn’t see everywhere
The young bloke from the colder climate at such beauty can’t help but stare.
He hails from Millstreet in Duhallow an old Town distant from the sea
And he still feels nostalgic and homesick and he miss home and his family
He miss the old fields and green meadows where the ageless Finnow ever flow
And he miss the old brown face of Clara who now wears his white hat of snow.
Where he hails from different to Sydney he feels such an outsider here
He miss the night life of his Hometown the pubs and the craic and the beer
And though he may yet settle in Sydney and in this great Southern Land stay
He will always remember his Hometown and the fields and the woods far away.
The young black faced lambs with their mothers play in the high fields by the hill
And in early spring in old Duhallow the year’s first flowers appear by the rill
And new leaves on the tree branches budding and robin with the orange red breast
Sings on the trees around his borders and helps his wife to build their nest.
On the sunlit beaches at Bondi on March the first Autumn’s first day
Bronzed beauties in the low tide swimming whilst others in the sunshine lay
And the young man feels Homesick for Ireland and for where his life’s journey began
In Millstreet his home in Duhallow the Town where he grew to a man.

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