And Government policies we do not agree with to our anger well may be fuel
But those things we have to put up with and such is majority rule
And many call this democracy but those who vote for the losing side
Must go along with Governmental decisions and sad for them swallow their pride
Suppose such is life as some will tell you and in life the winner takes it all
But then those who do climb the highest are those with the furthest to fall,
We hear of Government for the people though there never is such a thing
As Government for all of the Nation citizens those who voted against them their praises never do sing
Show me a good loser and I’ll show you a loser those words as ever ring true
And few losers say of the winners they deserve it to give them their due
And on what is all wrong in the World we all have a little to say
But the last laugh remains with the winners and it has always been that way.

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