To see, to look at, to appreciate
To get the meaning
To reach at the bottom of truth
Where all the shallowness buried deep
Where only depth reigns inside over surface
One day that day I see
There would be no one way
To measure success, to identify goodness
All the doors of light would be kept open and wide
It would be up to you
In which way you want to enter
On which way you want to tread.
One day that day I see
When there would be no hate
The soil of the universe would refuse
To take in the seed
Of bias and prejudice,
Lust and greed
And water would never quench thirst
Of the people whoever gets involved in a war or conflict
One day that day I see
When there would be no one way to lead life
No one way definition of beauty
And meaning of success would never end with victory
And joy never percolates
In the heart of a hater or a sadist
One day that day I see
In this world when there would be no widow no orphan
No men die in the battle field
No child would cry for a plate of food
After braking all narrow domestic walls
On that solemn occasion I envisage
All rush to reach and rise
From the ghetto ocean of narrowness
On the bank of one humanity, real wide and high.

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To see, to look at, to appreciate
To get the meaning
To reach at the bottom of truth
Where all the shallowness buried deep
Where only depth reigns inside over surface
One day that day I see
There would be no one way
To measure success, to identify goodness
All the doors of light would be kept open and wide
It would be up to you
In which way you want to enter
On which way you want to tread.
One day that day I see
When there would be no hate
The soil of the universe would refuse
To take in the seed
Of bias and prejudice,
Lust and greed
And water would never quench thirst
Of the people whoever gets involved in a war or conflict
One day that day I see
When there would be no one way to lead life
No one way definition of beauty
And meaning of success would never end with victory
And joy never percolates
In the heart of a hater or a sadist
One day that day I see
In this world when there would be no widow no orphan
No men die in the battle field
No child would cry for a plate of food
After braking all narrow domestic walls
On that solemn occasion I envisage
All rush to reach and rise
From the ghetto ocean of narrowness
On the bank of one humanity, real wide and high.

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