Such a nation only fosters universal brotherhood
Taking the whole world as one family forever…!
Indian national culture embraces especially the
Unique and great cultures of Sourashtrians and
Tamilians following the policy of unity in diversity
Since the ancient time onwards till this day sure!
Sourashtrians who have migrated from the North
To the South of India have no difficulty or difference
With the Tamilians as they are pious, adjusted to the
Behaviour, dress patterns and festivals of local ones!
They have adapted local language for public use
And their mother tongue for home use only in such
A way nobody will believe that they are Sourashtrians
As they are noted for living in harmony with all there!
Tamilians noted for hospitality, monogamy, self-respect,
Respect for friendship, promise, chastity of woman and
Treat so respectfully women as mother, highly appreciate and
Cherish Silappadikaram, the classical literary masterpiece!
As all these aspects are imbibed in the national culture too,
Indians fostered in universal brotherhood and respect for
Women cherishing Earth as Bhumadevi, knowledge, wealth,
Power as Saraswati, Lakshmi and Shakti, they live anywhere!
Indian classical literature such as Ramayana and Mahabharata
Make their national culture, though ancient, rich even today
Due to universal brotherhood, unity in diversity and respect
For women and friendship, India welcomes one world forever!

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