Not only in Nature, but also in society by unity only all survive;
Instead of hatred and rivalry, by love only, humanity can sustain!
Love is the decree and gift of God for all to live in joy and peace;
To live so, only by unity and cooperation of love, that’s feasible;
Individuals of society are independent nations of the whole world
Go ahead in peace by love of all for cooperation and coordination!
Love unites all beings and things in Nature, society, nation, world
For growth, progress, prosperity and peace forever sure and true;
Independence is liberty of individuals to think, speak and do all
To contribute what’s possible to complete the task of whole society!
Each independent soul is unique in creation to do one’s own duty
According to one’s nature to make whole machinery of world like
Various organs of body to function efficiently to do great things
For the progress of all by love to help evolution to divinity…!

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