Like they say show us a very good loser and I’ll show you one born to lose
Out of a place you are beaten and you will not make headline news.
Always the winner they cheer for and only the winner they praise
To the one narrowly beaten their toasting glass they won’t raise
Gallant in defeat you may be but few for that will credit you
Seldom for the one defeated credit where credit is due.
Winners are all that seem to matter second place not seen as good enough
Winners they tell you dig in deep when the going gets really tough
Though the favourite was unlucky in running beaten just out of a place
On him you have lost your money and you say that he ran a bad race.
Only the winners that matter should it have to be this way
No praise for the beaten favourite he’s just a loser they say
Winners will always be grinners that’s how it will always be
The winners do salute the judges victorious in victory.

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