Just religious faith is not enough as it needs reforms as to the
Changes of world needing knowledge to decide and do any natter…!
Destroying lives by racial hatred is not allowed by any religion;
That is most inhuman act similar to animal one in the world sure;
Such beings are tigers in the garb of cow living in human world
Having no heart, mind and dead soul walking in the society ever!
Such dubious animals looking like humans or pious religious men
Along with usual rascals, rogue and rowdies only are indulging
In raping, murdering and burning innocent ladies and even small
Children putting the public and society in panic in the world now!
Humanity cannot wait and watch for justice through hearing for
Long in the courts till all forget the matter making it necessary
For fast courts to punish such antisocial elements, hard core
Inhuman creatures with severest punishment of death sentence sure!

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