Due to harmlessness, good is ever taken for granted
By all in the world forgetting to respect and honour!
Only after suffering and getting help from the good,
People feel to show gratitude and respect with awe
Good ones till the pain and torture are forgotten
Making goodness, love and friendliness never sustain!
Due to this kind of passivity towards forceful ones,
Bad activities, lustful indulgences, rape and murder
Have become common occurrence everywhere in the world
Giving free chit to immoral or malpractices in all fields!
Minds of people are brainwashed by such things highlighted
In news media of all sorts to the extent of making all feel
That inhuman activities a matter of fact thing and mind one’s
Business at the cost of cultural deterioration forever now!
Writers, social activists, preachers and guardians of moral
Matters rise against bad things happening prevalently ever;
Novelists, poets, movie makers, artists and TV serial makers
Highlight greatness of good for the well being of world ever!

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