She sits upon the high cliff that overlooks the sea
The beauty in words she captures keeps on eluding me.
She does not write for love of money nor she does not write for fame
She lives a quiet existence and her’s is not a well known name
She writes of the four Seasons that ever come and go
A woman who loves Nature and of Nature’s ways she know.
Some of those who think they know her say she is rather strange
Her moods are like the Seasons her moods are prone to change
But she is close to Nature and how could they understand
Her anger at human damage to the ocean and the land.
With folded wings into the mighty ocean from the sky the gannets dive
And her wonderment at the ways of Nature’s creatures it once more comes alive
And she writes about the gannets as she sits on the cliff above the shore
And her beautiful words inspired by Nature’s beauty will live on forever more.

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