Pure food is offered to Goddess,
Here nature is worshiped as Mother,
She is the power of creation,
Every night of autumn is special,
Each soul wants to be silver grass,
Gaining light of natural mercy,
Each soul wants to destroy obstacles!
Feminine energy of nature is urged,
To redeem souls from demonic attacks,
Without motherhood of natural energy,
No creation and generation is possible,
A mother is truly affectionate,
To protect her children from vices,
She uses her fire and flame
For burning the vices and negativity,
She enlightens purity and brightens life,
She is destroyer of violence,
In each night we can feel her well,
Autumn is singing her song
With her new arrival each year,
Destroying all evil acts at a moment,
She brings victory of goodness!
In bright half of lunisolar time
We watch her golden arrival,
In this lunar month of Autumn,
Straying from the emotional moment of
The first day of bright fortnight,
Brave Nature Mother is worshiped
And people with deep devotion pray,
For the next nine nights with fasting,
With feasting of vegetarian promotion,
Pure nature revives to give fragrance,
Motherhood’s glory crosses the heaven!
© Kumarmani Mahakul,18 October 2020. All rights reserved.

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