It serves nothing except to grab in some sympathizers
It is some sort of highlighting personal matters
True love never demands single words of praise
It gives air to unnecessary rumors and raise
Many eyebrows to take the lower note of it
Then exploit it to situation which makes them to fit
It is true love can not be measured
You need no one to make you feel assured
Who will come and question until it is aired?
There will not be any fire until it is ignited and flared
Everybody has dignity and honor of staying aloof
Never to be compared with any one as solid proof
It is intentional way of gaining some sympathy from few
The truth of sun light may force them to vanish like dews
It leads a person no where with ire and anguish
Life does not come to an end or finish
It makes a person to come out with resolute face
What n sympathizers word can make one to win the race?
It is individual choice to walk straight with head high
He can aim high and add imaginations to fly
The reality does not change at all with falsehood
It is to be clearly borne in mind and clearly understood
I believe it is simple way of making people fool
Fall in line with misrepresentation and playing it cool
As coin stands with two sides to represent
The lines clearly lacks the wisdom and is absent
Some people may readily jump in to offer sweet words
Coupled with good use of oratory for looking forward
It smacks of bad tactics to push a person on wrong side
A sensible person will not disclose a bitter memory and hide
How one can raise a head and walk with honor?
When there is complete loss of trust uncalled for?
Will the street people come and address the issue?
It is only individual who will raise his head high and rescue
Everyone is passing through same phase with trauma
No one presents gloomy picture with sensational drama
It needs better sense of understanding and realization
Everything can be sorted out without raising any questions
Life hangs on bare thread of trust
It is very much essential and must
It further worsens the situation
If it is not stopped and allowed continuation
What a pity to present face with broken heart?
What one is trying to present at the start?
It can only be termed as poetic skill or an art
It will be uneasy to ride and make journey in cart

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