That was long ago and all had forgotten
But the seed knew it would tear apart
First its own hard shell then the stone
And see the world when it sprouts out;
Passionately it was waiting for a season
When the days would bring drops of rain
And a wild breeze blow from the south
A pack of rays fall on its chest from the sun
The day came after long wait and it felt
A shake, a jerk and energy in severe pain
As if someone was calling and asked in guilt
Wake up wonder baby, now it is your turn
Spit up all that may be soil, pebble or stone
Gone are the harsh days and the drought
Opportunity is at hand, be a lovely sprout;
First only two leaves it forcefully flung
Then third one, next the forth and so on
In no time it became a beautiful infant
In the morning the dew that fell upon
Helped it further to be full grown plant.
New shoots and buds began to appear
With petals long and strong it wore
The sweet fragrance and drank color
Felt an urge and bloomed into a flower.

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That was long ago and all had forgotten
But the seed knew it would tear apart
First its own hard shell then the stone
And see the world when it sprouts out;
Passionately it was waiting for a season
When the days would bring drops of rain
And a wild breeze blow from the south
A pack of rays fall on its chest from the sun
The day came after long wait and it felt
A shake, a jerk and energy in severe pain
As if, someone was calling and asked in guilt
Wake up wonder baby, now it is your turn
Spit up all that may be soil, pebble or stone
Gone are the harsh days and the drought
Opportunity is at hand, be a lovely sprout;
First only two leaves it forcefully flung
Then third one, next the forth and so on
In no time it became a beautiful infant
In the morning the dew that fell upon
Helped it further to be full grown plant.
New shoots and buds began to appear
With petals long and strong it wore
The sweet fragrance and drank color
Felt an urge and bloomed into a flower.

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