The past and is used as common language in the summit meetings
Of world nations among multiracial communities sans any problem!
Such a status no other language has except French due to its incisiveness
And is being used as a language for arriving at agreements among all
Nations of the world in the international conferences now and then
With translations in other languages of the world for convenience only!
When this is so, how can a language, after neglecting it for hundreds of
Years not caring for its lipi or script or alphabets but using it only as a
Spoken language at home or in functions of the same community, be
Developed for reading or writing uses sans public use or job opportunities?
In the changed scenario of the world, can the old script be again revived
Or will it be possible to use it without reforms in shapes and sizes of letters
So that all can learn it quickly and put to use immediately as English or
Other modern languages with less alphabetical letters to remember well?
Now after Computer has come into vogue, many languages have lost their
Use unless they are utilized someway for world communication purposes;
In that respect, English stands top and unique for communication to work
With ease among all citizens of the world and its letters are used by all well!
Yes, for sms and message communication, English alphabetical letters are
Very well used by other language speaking people in computers and also
In cell phones everywhere hinting at the idea why can’t English letters be
Used for writing other language for communication and working purposes!

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