I just send it into The Web Poetry Corner Webmaster Willy Chaplin never does say no
He is prepared to include everybody for all he does believe in a fair go.
So few are poets so many are poetasters that’s how it is and that’s how ’twill always be
And on second thoughts he was not out to offend me he was merely saying what he thought of me
And though the truth it often can seem bitter i do not have a desire to prove him wrong
As I’ve known for years that i am a poetaster and that i will never be a prince of song.
But till the day i die I’ll be a rhymer and though three decades now past my life’s prime
I’ll always be the fellow from Duhallow the one who keeps on penning reams of rhyme
The migrant who will die as a poetaster i try my best though my best not good enough
As the critics might say just an addictive rhymer but i feel happy when I’m penning stuff.
And I’ll send my verses into Willy Chaplin and he will include them in his Dreamagic site
And for as long as Willy publishes my efforts new stuff i will feel happy for to write,
I’m not a poet just your average sort of rhymer and my better days in life are now long gone
But i will pen until the reaper my life will claim for i am one to keep on keeping on.

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